Thursday, May 2, 2013

Tried My First Protein Powder Today...

One of my co-workers generously brought me a ziploc sample of some protein powder that she and her husband use, so that I could do my first test run of protein drinks.

This particular one is called Dymatize Elite Whey Protein; today I tossed some chocolate-flavored powder into a bottle of Dasani water while at work.  I realize that going "shakeshakeshake" with a bottle is a little low-tech, and maybe a good blender, with some ice or frozen fruit, will improve the overall experience.

If I had to critique it, I'd say it's probably a 7 on a palatability scale.  A little gritty--but again, that's most likely due to the lack of blending options available to me here at work.  The most off-putting thing was the scent.  I wasn't anticipating the wafting aroma, which really reminds me of infant formula.  If I can get past that, it's not so bad.  I've finished almost 8 oz. without too much "bleah" factor.  Not sure how a week or two of liquids post-op is going to go, but it probably won't be much fun.  Sigh.

I still have a baggie of vanilla-flavored powder; my colleague recommends adding a dollop or two of Chobani vanilla yogurt and some frozen fruit.  I'm thinking that sounds reeeeeally good.  I'll let you know how it goes!

What protein shakes do you prefer?  Post them in the comments!

*****Updated to Add******

So, I drank about 8 oz. of the chocolate protein shake at around noon.  Maybe it's a "head thing", but rather than feeling my usual urge to snack right after work (3:00 p.m.), I was able to hold off comfortably and not feel hunger until nearly 4:30.  That's kind of amazing for me.  Usually, I am SO hungry when the day ends that I just have to get something to stave off the tummygrowls.  Today I came home, grabbed some water and a lowfat string cheese--which is probably 75% less food than I'd normally nosh after work. 

Veddy eenteresting...will have to see if this trend continues!


  1. Hiya -- I'm cruising the net the day before my VSG trying to bolster my courage :).

    I have sampled a lot of protein powders and drinks the past couple of months. You can get sample packets. I like Syntrax Nectar. I have also bought some single bottles of RTD protein from Vitamin Shoppe. I can't recall where I bought all my samples, but I'm currently pretty much on nowadays - they have a flat $4.95 shipping fee anywhere in the lower 48.

    Good luck to you -- I'll bookmark your blog and keep checking back in!

  2. Hi, Elaine!

    I've decided I really like the Syntrax Nectar, at least so far. I've heard some people's tastes and preferences change after surgery, but so far, I love the Double Stuffed Cookie flavor. Yummy!

    Thank you for the heads-up about the website, I'll definitely check it out. Keep the feedback and comments coming; it's always good to hear from other WLS folks.
    I was going to say "good luck" on your surgery, but you're two days post-op now--hope everything went GREAT and that you're on the road to a quick recovery!

  3. I use Unjury. Can get on the web... they ship fast!

    1. Hi, Art! I'm considering trying Unjury, I may be able to find them locally at a small "fitness supply center" (sort of like GNC, but a mom-and-pop version). What flavors of theirs would you recommend?
      I hear they have an unflavored version that's helpful right after surgery, too--I'll need that one post-op!

  4. Im going to have the sleeve surgery too! In just a month or two... as soon as we hear back from insurance. ANYWAY, Have you tried Premier Protein? I think you can only get it at Costco and its premixed cartons of it. Its really good. Im not a fan of any of the powders Ive ever tried.

    1. Hi, Janel! I've got a few more lose ends to settle, but I'm hoping to have an official date by the end of June. It's exciting, isn't it?!
      I haven't tried Premier yet, though I've heard good things about it. I kind of like the idea of trying something premixed, so maybe it's time to give Premier a whirl.
      I just hope my tastebuds don't change too much post-op--I've heard that can happen. It would be a shame to end up hating the protein shakes that I like so much now.


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