Wednesday, April 24, 2013

In a shameless act of reposting something funny that I read elsewhere on the 'net, I will now shamelessly repost something funny that I read elsewhere on the 'net. 
In the interest of full disclosure, it's from a blog on the website, called "Gastric Sleeve Surgery - An Unexpected Journey", where the blogger was relaying great comeback-answers for how to explain weight loss surgery scars to any busybodies you may encounter post-op.  They were giggleworthy enough that I had to share a few of my favorites!

So where'd you get those scars?
"The first rule of Fight Club is 'don't talk about Fight Club'."

"Remember when your mom told you not to run with scissors?"

 "I was at this party with Marilyn Manson and everyone was giving out hugs."

"Oh these? Hmm, I dunno, they’ve just always been there. Well, I mean, ever since I took over this body, anyway. Strange, don’t you think?"

And my #1 favorite...*drum roll*

"Tell them you are trying to avenge your father and ask if they have six fingers on their right hand."
I swear, I WILL use that one, at any given opportunity.  YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

If you are a pre-or post-sleever, do check out, it's a great community with lots of friendly people who are willing to share their stories with us noobs.  Can't have too much of that, can ya? Got any snarky comebacks like those above to share?  There's always room for some playful snark at my table--post the snappy patter below in the comments section!

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