Isn't that the mantra of WLS folks? Wait for the seminars, wait for the pre-op appointments, wait to lose any pre-op weight your doctor requires, wait, wait, wait. That should go up there with "walk, walk, walk" and "sip, sip, sip" as phrases we get used to during this journey.
I've been incredibly lucky thus far. My surgeon's office is sympathetic to teachers who want WLS during their school breaks, whether it's Christmas, or April break, or summer vacation. Since I've never been through any major surgery before, I really don't have a good frame of reference apart from what I hear from those who have been through this process; and what I'm hearing is that apparently I'm flying right along! It seems that my surgeon's team has really sent me to the FastPass line, and instead of a six-month progression from start to finish, I may be looking at THREE. Just three. Holy wowzers.
That makes me feel pretty blessed; as does the fact that my insurance covers almost every expense. Here's my financial stats so far: I received a bill for a $25 copay that they won't let slide, I had to pay $500 for my three psych/lifestyle workshops, and my insurance policy requires me to pay the balance of my $300 yearly deductible (which comes out to just over $285). Altogether, I'll have a jump start on a healthy new life for less than most people's monthly mortgage/rent payments. Not too shabby!
At lunchtime, I called my surgeon's office to see where we are in the paperwork progression. My case has been submitted to the insurance company for approval--I should have an answer in my mailbox early next week. Then the surgery team will call me to work out a surgery date, and I'll be getting that sleeve, baybee. Sometimes I can't believe I'm really doing this; it's surreal. I'm like David After Dentist. "Is this real life?" Other times, I want surgery day to be here already! What a wonderfully exciting, nervewracking carnival ride!
How's your process coming along? Are you over on The Loser's Bench yet, with lots of extra poundage gone forever? Are you just starting out, wondering if weight loss surgery could be right for you? Are you like me, getting ready to actually take that leap? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
I'm almost 4 weeks post-surgery, back at work. I feel a bit more fatigued than normal -- I'm not sure if it is the surgery or the reduced calories. I am taking my first post-surgery business trip leaving tomorrow -- I'm a bit nervous about the 43 minute connection, but I will just do what I can do. I know I will move more quickly through the airport than in the past :). The best part is I will get to see my best friend from college (we are talking a long time ago) -- I have not seen her in over 10 years. She lives in Topeka, KS and I live in Portland, OR. She has a hard time getting away to visit and so have I. It will be good to see her.
ReplyDeleteI have lost over 45 pounds since this process started -- 25 before surgery and 20 since. I'm in my first stall :(, but I know from reading other's experiences that this is normal and that the scale will move again! :)
Elaine, how did your trip go? Congrats on your weight loss so far--I've only managed to drop 11 pounds or so (pre-op), but I'm still plugging away. The stalls are no fun, and it'll be hard for me to keep positive through them; you're a good role model for me, thank you!
DeleteI am submitted to insurance and just waiting to hear back to see if Im approved!! I had to do a 6 month pre-op because of my insurance requirements. I am ready for surgery to be here already!!! Although, when it comes time to do my 2 week liquid diet pre-op, Im probably going to be thinking... WHAT did I get myself into?!
ReplyDeleteUrgh, a two week liquid diet is rough--but you're going to do great! Just think how much of the mental work you'll already have under your belt before the surgery; you can do this! (Remind me about this when I'm feeling buyer's remorse later, LOL...)